Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I accidentally killed a kitten

It was a great morning, I guess. I enjoyed so much the evening with Robert yesterday. I was feeling safe talking to him about many things. He is my angel from God. Thanks god.

In the afternoon, when I was reversing my car, the kitten cried out. I did not realise until I saw Jingcheng showed a weird facial expression. I knew something was wrong and I saw a kitten dead body.

I am sorry, and Mohani could not take it, because she loves cats.

I felt sad. And when I further think about it, I felt human is weird? Right word? Because we did not feel sad about eating chicken, duck etc. but we felt sad for cats, dogs and other animals which human consider as a friend.

Are we god and can decide who can live and not?

Shall I turn into vegetarian?

Is that the way out for human? and shoud it be that way?