Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I accidentally killed a kitten

It was a great morning, I guess. I enjoyed so much the evening with Robert yesterday. I was feeling safe talking to him about many things. He is my angel from God. Thanks god.

In the afternoon, when I was reversing my car, the kitten cried out. I did not realise until I saw Jingcheng showed a weird facial expression. I knew something was wrong and I saw a kitten dead body.

I am sorry, and Mohani could not take it, because she loves cats.

I felt sad. And when I further think about it, I felt human is weird? Right word? Because we did not feel sad about eating chicken, duck etc. but we felt sad for cats, dogs and other animals which human consider as a friend.

Are we god and can decide who can live and not?

Shall I turn into vegetarian?

Is that the way out for human? and shoud it be that way?


Robert Lua Khang Wei said...

First, accident is accident. No one should be blamed in an accident.

Actually, animal is animal and plant is plant. They are created in the food chain. Example of food chain: Germs  Corns  Chicken  Human  Germs

Why I separate human from animal. It is because human can think and have the special feeling. Some people may say animal also can think. Sorry, the lower animal or organism, the less can think. Anyway, we can’t ego, germs can kill human easily.

In religion like Islam and Christian, they are clearer. They said GOD gives human responsibility to administrate the earth. I believe this too.

Well, I am quite free in thinking. I think, many things are decided by environment. Animal normally is not strong in against environment danger. So, no one is wrong to whatever happen to animal.

Anyway, I oppose we killing many animal is only because I oppose human to damage the food chain in the environment.

I will not avoid eating meat. I will less to eat meat is not because we should not kill animal but is because feeding animal will decrease the plants and land. And this will give our earth problems. Only one reason can make me to become vegetarian, the reason is to lower the large animal farm to destroy the environment. Cow farm will damage the forest area increase the methane gas and waste many crops in feeding them.

I only will feel sad is our earth got so may food include vegetables, fruits and meat but those resources are not fair distribute.

Last but not least, to face any accident or difficult, we should believe to miracle and always think positively. Then only we can act more positive.

So, next time may be check behind the car got cat or not. The cat is really stupid. Anyway, let’s face this kind of accident with open heart or open minded.

Robert Lua Khang Wei said...

Last but not least, to face any accident or difficult, we should believe to miracle and always think positively. Then only we can act more positive. And we can feel the special and pretty of the world.